Proactive monitoring of SkylineGlobe Server availability allows you to know more or less immediately when your site is down so that you can take quick steps toward recovery. You can use an external uptime monitoring service, such as UptimeRobot, or you can easily write your own script to periodically (you set the frequency) check either your SkylineGlobe Server or the WMS service, and send an alert if your server is down. Note that this same script can be used by a load balancer when working with a server cluster to determine how to distribute the users between the servers.
Monitoring your SGS:
To monitor your SkylineGlobe Server, your script/service should call the Layers page: https://[DOMAIN]/sg/admin/layers.aspx
The HTTP 200 OK success status response code indicates that the request has succeeded and that your server is up. Any other response indicates that the server is down or IIS is not running.
Monitoring a specific service:
You can monitor status response code from other services, like WFS, WMS, Terrain, and Point Cloud by capturing network traffic with Telerik Fiddler or other similar applications.
For example, to monitor the WMS service, your script/service should call for a block of a specific layer:
The HTTP 200 OK success status response code indicates that the request has succeeded and that your server is up. Any other response indicates that something is wrong with the WMS service.