From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager’s Users page, you can view and manage the users allowed to administer and access resources on SkylineGlobe Server. All users are assigned user roles which define their level of access: super administrators can manage all their server’s sites, settings, users and layers, site administrators can manage all their site’s layers and users and some server settings, publishers can view and edit published layers, while viewers can only view published content.
From the User’s page you can also manage your user groups. User groups enable you to easily provide view or edit access to a specific group of users (of which you are a member). A specific data source can be defined for each group to which all data from all users in the group should be uploaded and published.
In this article:
- Searching for Users or User Groups
- Adding Users and Setting User Properties
- Adding User Groups and Setting User Group Properties
Searching for Users or User Groups
To search for a user:
- From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users. The Users page is displayed. If you want to search for a user group, click Groups Manager. The Groups Manager page is displayed.
- To search for a user/user group whose property information contains a specific string (e.g., User name, group, role, Active status), in the Search String field, type a search string or enter an attribute, condition, and value and click Insert String . The search expression is displayed in the Search string field.
- If you want to include additional strings in your search expression, select a connector: and OR or, and repeat step a for the next condition.
- Click Search. Your search results are displayed in the search results list at the bottom of the page.
Adding Users and Setting User Properties
To add a new user:
- From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users. The Users page is displayed.
- Click Add. The Add a New User dialog box is displayed.
- Enter user information including:
- Display Name - The name to display in the SGS and TE4W user login. This is only the name displayed. To actually log in, the User Name must be entered.
- Expiration Date - Expiration date for the user account.
- Role - User role:
- Viewer – Can list, load and edit, from the client-side, all layers for which the user has valid view/edit access.
- Publisher – In addition to all Viewer permissions, a Publisher can also publish layers to SkylineGlobe Server and manage these layers from supporting clients, e.g., TerraExplorer Pro.
- Site Administrator – In addition to all Publisher permissions, a Site Administrator can also log in to SGS Manager of a specific site to perform SGS management and configuration activities.
- Super Administrator – A Super Administrator is the only user who can add, delete, and edit properties of server sites. In addition to all Site Administrator permissions, a Super Administrator can also log in to SGS Manager to any of the server’s sites to perform SGS management and configuration activities.
- Group - User group. Users can view/edit layers published by other users in the same user group if the respective view/edit permission for the layer was set to “My Group” or “Everyone”.
- Password - Type the user password.
- Max Storage - Set the limit on storage for this user.
- Max Active Sessions - Set the limit on the number of concurrent clients for this user.
- Click Add.
- If you want to edit the properties of a previously created user, from the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users. Select the required user, and click Properties.
- If you want to delete a previously created user, from the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users. Select the required user, and click Delete.
Adding User Groups and Setting User Group Properties
To add a new user group:
- From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users. The Users page is displayed.
- Click Groups Manager. The Groups Manager page is displayed.
- Click Add. The New Group dialog box is displayed.
- Enter user group information including:
- Upload Data Source - Data source to which all data from this group should be uploaded. Distinct data sources can be defined for different user groups.
- Active - Select if the group should be currently active.
- Expiration Date - Expiration date for the group account.
- Storage Used - GB of storage already in use by this group
- Max Storage - Set the limit on storage for this group.
- Max Active Sessions - Set the limit on the number of concurrent clients for this group.
- Click Add.
- If you want to edit the properties of a previously created user group, from the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users > Groups Manager. Select the required group, and click Properties.
- If you want to delete a previously created user group, from the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Users > Groups Manager. Select the required group, and click Delete.