In this article:
Monitor Servers and Services
SkylineGlobe Server (SGS) Manager’s Main page gives a quick overview of the status of the servers and services and recent data transfer information:
- Start and stop the services provided by SGS: Terrain, Feature, Maps, 3D Mesh, and Point Cloud - Move the service’s switch right to start, and left to stop.
- View data transfer rate for each of the services.
- View messages.
- View a list of active layers
More about: Monitoring servers and services >
Generate Reports
From SkylineGlobe Server Manager’s Reports page, you can generate statistics on data access or upload storage on the server. Data can be filtered based on time range, service, layer, or user/group.
More about: Generating SkylineGlobe Server reports >
Add Users and User Groups
From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager’s Users page, you can view and manage the users allowed to administer and access resources on SkylineGlobe Server. All users are assigned user roles which define their level of access: site administrators can manage all their site’s layers and users and some server settings, publishers can view and edit published layers, while viewers can only view published content.
From the User’s page you can also manage your user groups. User groups enable you to easily provide view or edit access to a specific group of users (of which you are a member).