Projects can be published either as TerraExplorer kits, i.e., directories that contain the project and all relevant files, or to SkylineGlobe Server, Skyline’s private cloud solution. TerraExplorer kits can be distributed to external users using any external storage device. The Publish TerraExplorer Kit process collects all the files that are used in the project and stores them in the target directory. The following options are available:
- Publish Project as Local Kit- Gather local files and objects to a kit folder, maintaining references to all network resources. When required, a TerraExplorer installation setup can be included in the kit.
- Extract and Publish Area as Offline Kit- Extract a geographic subset of the project and copy all of its local and network resources to local files, for use in a disconnected environment.
- Publish Project as KMZ- Export a TerraExplorer project to an OGC KML/KMZ file.
- Publish Project to SkylineGlobe Server- Publish an entire project and all its layers, resources, and styling to SkylineGlobe Server, Skyline’s private cloud solution.
When a project is published to SkylineGlobe Server, the project is made available through a single publishing operation, to desktop, mobile and TerraExplorer Fusion clients, as well as standard geospatial clients. The SkylineGlobe Server provides a comprehensive set of web services for publishing, storing, managing and streaming your 3D spatial data.
More about: Loading and publishing layers to SkylineGlobe Server > and Publishing TerraExplorer projects >
For a quick overview of our publishing tools, see our Quick Guide.