Raster data is made up of pixels, each of which has its own value. TerraExplorer supports two types of raster data: geo-referenced, satellite or aerial images that overlay the terrain imagery and geo-referenced elevation raster that replaces the elevation data of the terrain database.
Imagery and elevation layers are created by referencing imagery and elevation data from files on your own computer/local network or a database that is served over a network by one of the supported servers. If you want to display a subset of a layer, layers can be clipped.
To display a layer in different altitudes, TerraExplorer requires a number of resolution levels per layer, which are also known as a resolution pyramid or a multi-resolution file. If a raster layer lacks resolution levels or has an insufficient number of them, it can be converted to a stream-optimized MPT file with resolution pyramids.
For a quick overview of raster layers in TerraExplorer, see our Quick Guide.
Point cloud models are created from a list of points in a 3D area that are collected by various sources including 3D scanners. TerraExplorer supports both the loading of point cloud files in Skyline's proprietary CPT file format, as well as the import of point cloud data in the following formats: LAS/LAZ, PTS, TXT, XYZ, and E57 . When imported, these files are converted to a unified, visualization and stream-optimized Skyline-proprietary Point Cloud file (CPT) format using the Convert Point Cloud to CPT tool.
More about: Working with point cloud layers >
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