Inaccuracies in mesh layers’ scale, rotation and positioning can easily be corrected and saved in the mesh layer file using the Scale and Rotate tool. Similar modifications can also be made in the mesh layer’s property sheet but these modification will only affect the mesh layer saved in the project's Fly file, and will not be saved to the mesh layer itself. More about: Setting and editing 3D mesh layer properties >
To scale, rotate, and reposition a mesh layer:
- Select the required layer in the Project Tree, open the Scale and Rotate tool (3D Mesh Layer tab > Scale and Rotate), and do one of the following:
- Select one of the Output Format options:
- 3D Mesh
- 3D Mesh and LAS
- 3D Mesh and LAZ
- If you selected an output format option including point cloud, set the Point Cloud Resolution in meters/pixel.
- Click Convert Model. The tool opens the SLMesh Converter command line tool to generate a new mesh layer file with the corrected scale, rotation and location. The new model is created in the same folder as the original model.
- To view the new model, delete the old version of the model from the Project Tree, and load the new one.
Set the Required Scale
- If you know the required scale value, enter it in the Scale field and click Scale.
- Otherwise, you can set the scale by measuring a specific, generally, easily distinguishable section of the model and calculating the ratio of the expected measurement (based on the real world measurement) to the actual measurement. Select the required Units.
- Click Measure Distance. Then in the 3D Window, mark the two endpoints of the section of the model that you want to measure, and right click to finish.
- Enter the distance value in the Measured field.
- In the Expected field, enter the actual, real world measurement of this section of the model. The scale factor is automatically calculated based on the ratio between the Expected and Measured values and entered in the Scale field.
- Click Scale to scale the model according to the calculated scale value.
Set the Required Rotation
- If you know the required Rotation values, enter them, and click Set.
- Alternatively, if you have two points on the model that you know should be vertically aligned, e.g., the base and top of a flag pole, you can mark these points, and TerraExplorer can use this information to adjust the pitch and roll so that these points will actually be vertically aligned. Click Measure Vertical.
- On the model, click a point on the bottom and then click a point towards the top that should be directly above the first point. The model’s new pitch and roll are calculated and entered in their respective fields.
- Click Set to set the model’s rotation according to the new values.
Change the Model’s Position
- In the Offset section, click Drag & Move. The model’s property sheet is displayed.
- Modify the layer’s properties in the property sheet or click Move in XY Plane to drag the model to the required position in the 3D Window.