While all SkylineGlobe Servers can support a very large number of concurrent users, there is an upper limit that is defined in each SGS license. If you want to increase your maximum active sessions, you can upgrade your SGS by contacting Skyline at support@skylinesoft.com.
A session is defined as all requests for data (WMS, WFS, Terrain, 3DML) from a single SGS client instance. If a user logs in to SkylineGlobe Server from an SGS client but does not load data, this doesn’t count toward the max. session limit in the SGS license. And multiple calls to the server to load multiple layers from a single client instance only count as one session. If multiple clients, however, are running on the same machine (e.g., multiple instances of TerraExplorer Fusion or an instance of TerraExplorer Desktop, TerraExplorer Fusion, and a QGIS client), and each requests data from SGS, these will count as separate sessions.
When the license-defined upper limit is exceeded, i.e., a client attempts to load a layer from a server that has already reached its maximum concurrent sessions, an error message is displayed both on the server side and on the client side, and the client is unable to load the layer.
TerraExplorer Desktop
In TerraExplorer Desktop, the following message is displayed: “The server has reached its maximum number of concurrent users. Try again later or contact the server administrator.”
SkylineGlobe Server Manager
In SkylineGlobe server Manager, the following message is displayed: “The server has reached its maximum number of concurrent users.”
This message is displayed in the SGS Manager Main page, in the Last message row in the first section of the page. This message can also be viewed on the Messages page. More about: SGS messages >
The Main page also displays the Max Active Sessions for the server, i.e., the maximum number of clients that can stream data from SkylineGlobe Server simultaneously. Any client that attempts to connect to SkylineGlobe Server once the maximum number has been reached will be denied access. When working with a server cluster, this value is the total number of users accessing any of the servers in the cluster, with the load balancer determining how to distribute the users between the servers. More about: Monitoring servers and services >