CityGML models are not directly supported by TerraExplorer, but they can be loaded into TerraExplorer by converting them first to DirectX models. To simplify this process for you, Skyline worked with product specialists from Safe Software, to design a solution based on an FME workspace that automatically converts the CityGML models to DirectX models. The models' pivot information is stored in a shapefile in a way that enables the models to be easily added to TerraExplorer/CityBuilder and converted to 3DML.
To convert the CityGML dataset, do the following:
1. Load the attached workspace file (CityGMLToDirectX_v3.fmw) to FME.
2. Set the input CityGML model and the output directory, and click Run.
Running the workspace, FME does all the following:
- Reads the CityGML model
- Eliminates geometries that are not allowed in DirectX models
- Breaks the model into individual buildings
- Reprojects the coordinate system
- Converts to DirectX models
- Exports the models' pivots to a point shapefile
In TerraExplorer or CityBuilder:
3. When the process is finished, load the point shapefile into TerraExplorer or CityBuilder.
4. Open the layer's property sheet, change the Symbol Type to 3D Model.
5. Set the model’s path: In the Model section of the property sheet, in the File Name field, use the Field by Attribute dialog to set the model’s path followed by the model name from the Model attribute, e.g., c:\mymodels\[MODEL].x
6. Once the models are loaded, you can convert the layer to 3DML using the TerraExplorer Models to 3DML tool.
Sample dataset: (Institute for Automation and Applied Computer Science (IAI) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) or Institut für Automation und Angewandte Informatik / Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)