In this article:
To install TerraExplorer Pro:
Note: On some operating systems, administrative privileges may be required. More about: Software and hardware requirements >
More about: Silent installation >
- If you have an old version of TerraExplorer Pro running, close it before continuing with the installation.
- On your computer, browse to the setup.exe file, place your license file next to it, and double-click setup.exe. The setup program checks for an existing TerraExplorer Pro on your computer. If there is another version of TerraExplorer Pro installed already on your computer, a dialog box is displayed confirming that you want to uninstall the current version. Click OK to uninstall. The InstallShield Wizard is displayed.
- Click Next. The License Agreement is displayed.
- Click Yes to agree to the license agreement terms and continue the installation. The Customer Information dialog box is displayed. This dialog is displayed only for users with administrative privileges.
- Enter the required customer information, and click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog box is displayed.
- Browse to the desired location for the TerraExplorer Pro installation, and click Next. The Ready to Install the Program dialog box is displayed.
- Click Install. The installation copies the files to the destination folder. The .FLY file extension is associated with the last TerraExplorer or TerraExplorer Pro application you have installed. If you want to change the association, open the application you want to associate the .FLY file extension with, click TerraExplorer Options, and on the General tab, click Set as Default.
HASP Key Licensing Mechanism
TerraExplorer is protected by a licensing mechanism that controls its operation, license term, and available modules. A license file issued by Skyline determines the licensing mechanism used. In some cases, Gemalto’s HASP key solution is used instead of a USB key. The HASP key is a physical hardware key delivered with the TerraExplorer software package that plugs into the USB port of the computer – to allow the operation of the product. Verify that the HASP key is plugged into the USB port before starting TerraExplorer. To use a HASP key, the necessary driver must be downloaded and installed on your computer as described below.
- Download the installation zip file.
- Unzip the installation file to a temporary directory.
- Run the the HASPUserSetup.exe file and follow the installation wizard instructions to complete the installation.
More about: Licensing options >