All of the TerraExplorer commands are available from the app's side toolbar:
- Query – Opens the query tool.
- Layers – Opens a panel with three tabs to manage the project's elements. Each tab has a "My Data" section with the data applicable to that tab, which you added to the project, i.e., created locations or measurement objects.
- Navigate – Flat list of locations and presentations.
- Layers – Flat list of layers.
- Project Tree – All project elements organized in a tree hierarchy.
- Analysis – Opens a panel with three tabs:
- Tools – Distance, Area, Volume, Profile, Viewshed, and Swipe Comparison tools.
- Environment – Toggle light and shadow on/off.
- Maps – Show contour and slope maps.
- Navigate – Opens a panel with two tabs:
- Tools – Navigation and presentation commands.
- Modes – Select render and navigation modes.
- Search – Opens the search tool.
- Settings – Opens a panel with two tabs:
- Settings – Set graphics quality, post effects, units, screen overlay and more. View basic information about the application and access the error logger.
- Projects – Load another project from SGS, or open the current one in TerraExplorer Desktop.