In August and September 2016, the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hosted the Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games, with over 11 thousand athletes and 1.4 million tourists from all around the world, the largest event ever hosted by a Brazilian city.
To manage this complex project efficiently and properly provide for the safety and security of the athletes and spectators, a single interface was needed that would integrate and display disparate data sources from across these various disciplines in a single intuitive 3D visualization. This common operational picture could be used to create simulations and models to identify risks and plan for the impacts of potential disaster scenarios, as well as to vastly improve situational awareness during the events, providing the information, visualization and analysis tools to manage ordinary operations and crisis situations.
In order to create this integrated, accessible, 3D visualization, a massive amount of data, point clouds and oblique imagery needed to be processed and merged into a detailed 3D mesh. An in-depth search was conducted for a solution that could efficiently handle hundreds of thousands of photos. Impressed by Skyline PhotoMesh's capabilities, particularly its ability to exploit computer clusters and cloud computing to run a single project simultaneously on hundreds of fuser machines, running on standard hardware, Skyline was selected to process and fuse the collected data.
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