In this article:
To install PhotoMesh:
The PhotoMesh application installation includes fuser installation. A standalone fuser installation is also available. More about: Installing PhotoMesh fusers >
Note: On some operating systems, administrative privileges may be required. More about: Software and hardware requirements >
- If you have an old version of PhotoMesh running, close it before continuing with the installation.
- Place the PhotoMesh license file (SLPhotoMesh.lic) next to the PhotoMeshSetup.exe file in the installation folder.
- On your computer, browse to the exe file and double-click. The Welcome to PhotoMesh Setup dialog box is displayed.
- Click Next. The End-User License Agreement is displayed.
- Select the check box to agree to the license agreement terms and then click Next to continue the installation.
- Select the folder in which setup should install the files, and then click Next. The Ready to Install PhotoMesh dialog box is displayed.
- Click Install. A dialog box is displayed when the installation process is complete.
- Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.
HASP Key Licensing Mechanism
PhotoMesh is protected by a licensing mechanism that controls its operation, license term, and available modules. A license file issued by Skyline determines the licensing mechanism used. In some cases, Gemalto’s HASP key solution is used instead of a USB key. The HASP key is a physical hardware key delivered with the PhotoMesh software package that plugs into the USB port of the computer – to allow the operation of the product. Verify that the HASP key is plugged into the USB port before starting PhotoMesh. To use a HASP key, the necessary driver must be downloaded and installed on your computer as described below.
- Download the installation zip file.
- Unzip the installation file to a temporary directory.
- Run the the HASPUserSetup.exe file and follow the installation wizard instructions to complete the installation.
More about: License mechanism options >