Using SkylineCloud's automation process, your input sources (photos and EO/IO/Band information) can be downloaded from most source repositories, including your enterprise/cloud storage (AWS, Google, Azure and more). Our team will work with you to create customized scripts to prepare your photos for model generation, including calculation of photo location and orientation and special handling of more complicated photo formats, e.g., thermal.
Supported Formats:
- Photos: JPEG, TIFF, IIQ, Others
- Photo Lists: Excel, XML, CSV, Inpho, Bingo, Stellacore
- Video: MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV, MP4, Others
Skyline's professional services team can create customized automation scripts that execute REST APIs for automated output build. In addition to the standard formats listed below, Production Services also supports output reprojection and generation of contour maps for DSM, and point clouds in XYZ format.
Supported Standard Formats:
- 3D Mesh: 3DML, 3D Tiles, DAE, OBJ, OSGB, I3S/SLPK
- Point Cloud: LAS, XYZ
- Orthophoto: Tiff (multiband)
- DTM: Tiff
- DSM: Tiff, LAS/LAZ
- AT Results: XML, SQLite
- Contour Lines: SHP, DXF
In addition to production outputs, the production service also generates and copies a quality report to the customer’s output storage. This report contains detailed and visual information on the input data, aerotriangulation calculation and the reconstruction phases.
- Aerotriangulation success rate and scoring
- Ground control points success rate and scoring
- Calculated location and position per photo
- Visual map of the photos’ locations and orientations (*)
- Coverage map (*)
- Connection map (*)
- Reconstruction size and tiles information (*)
- Output resolution, coordinate system and formats (*)
(*) Currently not available. Will be available in v2.1