Upgrade your experience with TerraExplorer Fusion, our new and powerful web-based 3D geospatial viewer. TerraExplorer Fusion offers many advantages over TerraExplorer for Web including: faster application loading times, improved rendering of large-scale layers, and full compatibility with TerraExplorer Desktop layer styling, objects, and API. Learn more > |
Certain TE4W parameters can be defined from the URL query string, including the project to load and the TE4W configuration.
To define these parameters:
- Append the required parameters to the end of your TE4W URL. Multiple parameters can be added using a ‘&' to separate between parameters (e.g., http://www.skylineglobe.com/sg/SiteOne/terraexplorerweb/terraexplorer.html? config=FireDepartment&catalogid=12345&lang=chinese). Use the following format for each of the parameters:
- TE4W project to load - The project is identified by its ID (catalogid) in SkylineGlobe Server.
Note: The catalogid can be copied from the URL dialog box that is displayed with the TE Web URL after publishing a project in TerraExplorer. Alternatively, it can be copied from the SGS Manager > Layers page > Layer Properties.
TE4W configuration - This defines various elements of your TE4W including which layers TE4W can connect to, your website subdomains, screen overlay logo, copyright text, and search provider. Customized configurations are created in the TerraExplorer for Web Settings section of the Settings page. More about: Creating Additional Customized Configurations >
*… /TerraExplorer.html?config=Public
- TE4W project to load - The project is identified by its ID (catalogid) in SkylineGlobe Server.