This article includes links to downloadable TEZ projects that were developed by Skyline. These tools can be used as-is or incorporated into your own custom tools.
AutoSave - Autosave your project periodically to reduce the risk of data loss in case of a crash or user error.
Proximity - Get alerted when your object gets too close to a selected target object.
Legend Creator - Easily create a feature layer legend that details what various symbols and styling represent.
- Virtual Pointer - Turn your mouse cursor into a highly-visible virtual pointer.
LineToPoints - Convert polylines and polygons to a set of waypoints. The tool reads the geometry of the polylines and polygons in a selected group/layer or on the clipboard, or of a drawn polyline and generates a point feature layer with point features at each polyline/polygon point.
Load Asset from Cesium Ion - Lists and loads 3D Tiles assets from Cesium Ion so you can easily select the layer to load.