In this article:
- Modifying Layer Properties in the Property Sheet
- Modifying Source Extents in the Working Window
- Moving a Layer in the Working Window
Modifying Layer Properties in the Property Sheet
Layers must contain geographical and dimensional information. Information that TerraBuilder can infer from other values you provided does not have to be supplied. For example, if you specify the UPP X and Left X geographical coordinates, TerraBuilder automatically calculates the Right X-coordinate information in the Dimensions group of the Properties Sheet.
A source with no coordinates is automatically aligned with the top-left (Northwest) corner of the project and is not included in the output. To change its status you need to assign coordinates and then manually change its status so it is included in the output.
Note: The data in the Dimensions group of the Properties Sheet for a reprojected source is read-only, and cannot be changed.
To add or modify layer dimension data:
- In the Layer List, select a layer or layers.
- If more than one layer is selected only information that is common to all the selected layers is displayed.
- In the Properties Sheet, in the Dimensions group, enter the following information:
- Left X - West geographical coordinate.
- Upper Y - North geographical coordinate
- Right X - East geographical coordinate
- Lower Y - South geographical coordinate
- Layer UPP X - Units per pixel for the layer's X axis
- Layer UPP Y - Units per pixel for the layer's Y axis
- UPP in Project - Select the layer’s units per pixel value. Legal values for UPP are restricted to values on the Project ruler.
- Max Visible UPP - Select from the list the maximum UPP for which the layer should still be visible
- Size in PIxels - Size of the file in pixels is automatically displayed (read-only)
- Geographic Width - Width of the layer (Right X - Left X)
- Geographic Height - Height of the layer (Upper Y - Lower Y)
Note: The layer information in the Layer List is automatically updated according to the data in the Dimensions group of the Properties Sheet.
Modifying Source Extents in the Working Window
Layer frames are automatically created when you add a new source to the project. The red frame is the layer boundary and when you move the layer it moves with it and defines its boundaries. The blue frame is the Layer Extent frame and it acts like a clip rectangle that is specific to that layer.
Note: Initially the blue frame is the same size as the red frame, thus obscuring it. The red frame can be seen only after you resize the blue frame.
To set the layer extent using a clip rectangle:
- In the Working Window, right-click a layer.
- From the shortcut menu, point to Layer Extent and select Set. The layer frame becomes a clip rectangle.
- Select and move waypoints or borders to resize the layer.
- Right-click or press Esc to exit the Set Layer Extent mode. The red layer frame is visible only where the smaller blue layer extent frame has been moved in and away from the original boundary.
To reset the layer extent to its original size:
- In the Working Window, right-click a layer.
- From the shortcut menu, point to Layer Extent and select Reset. The layer is reset to its original borders.
Moving a Layer in the Working Window
You can move a layer anywhere in the Working Window. All modifications are reflected in the Properties Sheet.
To move a layer:
- In the Working Window, right-click a layer.
- From the shortcut menu, select Move Layer. The cursor changes to a black four-arrow cross cursor .
- Drag the layer to a new location.
- Right-click or press Esc to exit the Move Layer mode.