Yaniv Dayan

  • Total activity 105
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Votes on activity by Yaniv Dayan Recent activity Votes
  • Update Layer and Project Versions

    TerraExplorer and SkylineGlobe Server have two mechanisms by which you can update your projects and layers: Project versions Layer aliases  Project Versions TerraExplorer projects (FLY layers) ca...

  • Load Mapbox Online Maps

    This article outlines the step-by-step process involved in loading a Mapbox online map into TerraExplorer. In the workflow described below, the Mapbox online map connection parameters are added to ...

  • TerraExplorer Sample Project for Publishing to SkylineGlobe Server

    Projects and layers can be published to your on-premises or hosted SkylineGlobe Server directly from TerraExplorer Pro. This tutorial guides you through this process using the TerraExplorer offline...

  • TerraExplorer Fusion Video Tutorials

    In this article: Introduction to TerraExplorer Fusion Search Tool Navigation Tools Presentation Tool Working with Feature Layers Area Measurement 3D Viewshed Tool Classifying a 3D Mesh Model Using...

  • Improve Project Alignment Using a Reference Project

    Georeferencing a project is the process of adjusting photos in your project to the geographic location of photos of the same geographical area in a different project. When building a project that o...

  • TerraExplorer Demo Projects

    Defense & Intelligence Military Demo (Objective Galgal) Defense Feature Demo: Mission Planning | Airport Security Emergency Response Disaster Management - Pilot Project Mexico Beach and New Be...

  • Work with Objects

    In TerraExplorer, you can add and edit objects including: labels, lines, polygons, 2D/ 3D shapes, 3D models, and buildings. The objects can be styled using their property sheets, and then organized...

  • Load SGS Mesh Layers in Unity Engine

    With the new support for Cesium 3D Tiles that was recently added to the Unity engine, Unity users can now combine the high-fidelity rendering power of Unity with high-quality 3D geospatial data. Me...

  • Viewshed

      The 3D viewshed calculates and marks all areas on the terrain and on 3D models and objects that are visible from a selected point on the terrain.  Create/edit a viewshed: On the sidebar >   > To...

  • Volume

    Analyze the volume of the terrain or model removed or added by drawn horizontal planes. This feature is only available in Chrome/Edge browsers. On the side toolbar >  > Tools tab >  Volume. Click ...