Download SkylineGlobe Server 7.3 Release Notes >
Support for MySQL / PostgreSQL Management Database
SGS 7.3 supports MySQL / Postgres for your SGS Management database solution. These databases support a higher number of transactions than SQLite and provide greater reliability when working in a multi-server environment. SGS continues to also support the SQLite database. More about: Storing SGS databases on a MySQL server and on a PostgreSQL server >
3D Tiles Using glTF 2.0 with Draco Compression
For reduced size and better streaming, the 3D mesh service now serves 3D Tiles in glTF 2.0 format with Draco compression. More about: Serving 3D Tiles in glTF 2.0 with Draco compression >
3D Tiles Mesh Styling for BIM/CAD Models
To support viewing in TerraExplorer for Web and other Cesium-based viewers, the 3D mesh service exposes 3D mesh and their attribute information as OGC 3D Tiles (with Batch Table). The attribute information can be used to style and query sub-models based on attribute values, while storing only the original data format on the server.
3D Tiles Point Cloud Styling
To support viewing in TerraExplorer for Web and other Cesium viewers, SGS 7.3’s point cloud service exposes point cloud layers and their attribute information as OGC 3D Tiles (with Batch Table). The attribute information can be used to style the point cloud (e.g., point size, color, or visibility) based on attribute (scalar) values, while storing only the original data format on the server.
Token Access Mechanism
A security token mechanism is now available in addition to the user/password authentication mechanism. The security token is per user and allows the same access level the user has. This security option is available only to “Viewer” level users and allows accessing (read/write) data, but no publishing or administration options. More about: Access tokens >
Enhanced Support for Esri Clients
- SGS now supports on-the-fly conversion from 3DML to I3S/SLPK 1.7, in addition to I3S/SLPK 1.5, to improve streaming performance to all Esri clients. SGS exposes a layer as I3S 1.7 if the 3DML was published to SGS by TerraExplorer 7.3 or higher. More about: Loading 3DML in Esri clients >
- Non-public (secured) 3DML and WMTS/WMS raster layers can now be loaded in all Esri clients by connecting with token and login authentication.
Load SGS Mesh Layers in Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine users can now combine the high-fidelity rendering power of Unreal Engine with high-quality 3D geospatial data from SkylineGlobe Servers. Building on Unreal Engine's new support for Cesium 3D Tiles, Skyline has implemented several customizations that allow Unreal Engine users to load mesh data exposed as 3D Tiles from SkylineGlobe Server. See our knowledge base article on the topic for the step-by-step process.
Sites Management Page
New Sites page added to SGS Manager allows easy access and management of all the virtual servers (“sites”) hosted on your server. Super administrators can perform general site management from this page, including addition, deletion and editing of a server’s sites. More about: Sites management page >
Compatibility with Browsers' Cross-Site Cookie Security Update
New SameSite Cookies options allowing 3D clients to load non-public layers from multiple SGS servers from different domains. SGS' new default options are compatible with Chrome and other popular browsers' recent SameSite Cookies updates that allow third-party cookies only if they follow the HTTPS protocol. More about: SameSite Cookies >
SGSProvider.js v2
New JavaScript for Cesium developers allows Cesium clients to search and load imagery, elevation and 3D mesh model data from SGS directly in their Cesium application. This new API supports token and login authentication, searching by layer tags, alias and layer ID.
More about: What's new in TerraExplorer for Web 7.3 >