If you cannot access the PhotoMesh, PhotoMesh Fuser, or Project Queue API, this is generally due to a firewall blocking the required port or missing URL reservations. In this case, you can manually add from the command line a rule to allow the required port through the firewall and configure a URL registration. Below are the steps for each of the API's:
If after handling the firewall issue, you still cannot access the Project Queue reference guide or manager/editor, try running PhotoMesh from a local disk rather than a network drive, or use the following links to access the pages directly:
- Reference Guide - http://localhost:8087/api-docs/
- Project Queue - http://localhost:8087/ProjectQueue/ProjectsQueueManager.html
PhotoMesh API
To open the PhotoMesh API port 8086:
- Click the Start button, type "cmd", and then select Command Prompt from the list.
- In the command prompt window, type the following and click Enter:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="PM API WebAPI TCP Port 8086" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=8086
- Then type the following and click Enter:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:8086/ SDDL=D:(A;;GX;;;WD)
The first line adds a firewall rule named "PM API WebAPI TCP Port 8086” allowing it to bypass the firewall, and the second line assigns the rights for the port.
If you want to change the port of the PhotoMesh API, do the following:
- In a text editor, open the PhotoMesh.exe.config file that is located in the application files folder, and replace the value of the "API.API URL" key.
<add key="API.API URL" value="http://XXXX" />
</appSettings></appSettings> - Open in a text editor the .env file that is located in the application files' PhotoMesh.js folder, and replace the value of PHOTOMESH_EXE_SERVER_PORT. E.g.,
PhotoMesh Fuser API
To open the PhotoMesh Fuser API port 8085:
- Click the Start button, type "cmd", and then select Command Prompt from the list.
- In the command prompt window, type the following and click Enter:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="PM Fuser API WebAPI TCP Port 8085" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=8085
- Then type the following and click Enter:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:8085/ SDDL=D:(A;;GX;;;WD)
The first line adds a firewall rule named "PM Fuser API WebAPI TCP Port 8085” allowing it to bypass the firewall, and the second line assigns the rights for the port.
If you want to change the port of the Fuser API, do the following:
- In a text editor, open the PMFuserService.exe.config file located in the application files' Fuser folder, and replace the value of webApiUrl. E.g.,
<add key="WebApiUrl" value="http://*:XXXX/" />
Project Queue API
To open the Project Queue API fuser port 8087:
- Click the Start button, type "cmd", and then select Command Prompt from the list.
- In the command prompt window, type the following and click Enter:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="PM ProjectQueue WebAPI TCP Port 8087" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=8087
- Then type the following and click Enter:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:8087/ SDDL=D:(A;;GX;;;WD)
The first line adds a firewall rule named "PM ProjectQueue WebAPI TCP Port 8087” allowing it to bypass the firewall, and the second line assigns the rights for the port.
If you want to change the port of the Project Queue API, do the following:
- In a text editor, open the .env file located in the application files' PhotoMesh.js folder, and replace the port number. E.g., PORT=8087 > PORT=XXXX