This article provides step-by-step instructions for moving SkylineGlobe Server’s (SGS) SG Upload and SG Scanner data source folders to a different path or drive. This process ensures that all data remains accessible and correctly configured within the SGS environment. This operation can only be performed by a user with a Super Administrator role.
To move a data source folder:
Log in to your SkylineGlobe Server Manager using your Super Administrator user credentials. More about: Logging in >
Open the Data Source Properties dialog:
Navigate to the Data Sources page. More about: Data sources >
Select the data source you want to update and click Properties.
In the Edit Data Source Properties dialog, note the current Path of the data source.
Use a file manager to copy the entire folder from the current path to the desired new location.
Update the data source's path to reflect the new location:
In SkylineGlobe Server Manager, reopen the Edit Data Source Properties dialog (see step 2 above).
Update the Path field with the new location of the data source.
Save the changes.
Restart the server - If you are using SGS version 8.1 or earlier, you must restart the server for the changes to take effect. Restart the server either from the Settings page in SGS Manager or by running the iisreset command in the command line.
Caution: It is recommended that the server be restarted during idle hours, as this may interrupt active uploads and ongoing data streams.